Case: How Synthetron helped Proximus’ employees to own the company’s cultural change

May 21, 2024
 min read

How Synthetron helped Proximus’ employees to own the company’s cultural change

Proximus’ brand promise, Think possible, is key in its strategy.  Think possible requires Proximus to transform its culture to operate  in a T”hink possible” way, like a digital native company.

With 12 Thinkathons (synthetron dialogue moments) Proximus engaged its  employees, to co-creation at scale f its Think possible internal culture. These “Thinkathons” became a pivotal moment in the transformation journey because they helped to align bottom-up with top-down transformation views.

‘As culture is something we all create together, Synthetron’s approach is spot on to quickly and easily hear and involve all employees in this journey.’

Kathleen Vande Kerckhove – Proximus

Full name
Job title, Company name
Anne Clark
Antonella Papeschi
Cindy Clegg

How Synthetron helped Proximus’ employees to own the company’s cultural change

Proximus’ brand promise, Think possible, is key in its strategy.  Think possible requires Proximus to transform its culture to operate  in a T”hink possible” way, like a digital native company.

With 12 Thinkathons (synthetron dialogue moments) Proximus engaged its  employees, to co-creation at scale f its Think possible internal culture. These “Thinkathons” became a pivotal moment in the transformation journey because they helped to align bottom-up with top-down transformation views.

‘As culture is something we all create together, Synthetron’s approach is spot on to quickly and easily hear and involve all employees in this journey.’

Kathleen Vande Kerckhove – Proximus

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