Employee Satisfaction Survey: measure and get insight into underlying problems

Combine quantitative methods (measuring) with qualitative methods (gaining insight): Measure where improvement is possible and involve employees in identifying underlying problems and potential areas for improvement.

Research quantitatively where improvement is possible and qualitatively what causes the low scores

Combining quantitative and qualitative research provides unique insights
Our unique software facilitates large-scale qualitative research through online dialogues, allowing you to both measure where the problems lie and gain insight into the underlying causes. This results in an in-depth understanding of possible areas for improvement that employees come up with and validate themselves.
Get in-depth insights in the causes of low scores
By simultaneously writing and voting on each other's messages, we gain in-depth insights. This provides concrete tools for action plans to address problems and ensures a high response rate, because the process is fun and interactive. This creates a rich output of valuable data.
Involve employees when coming up with areas for improvement
Our interactive setup through online dialogues encourages employees to actively contribute ideas about areas for improvement. This provides a nuanced picture of areas for improvement that have been devised by employees and validated by their colleagues, which ensures wider acceptance and feasibility of the proposed solutions.

See how it works

1. Read the question

This can be an open question or a poll question

2. Answer the question

Participants write one or more answers to the question

3. Read and vote on other ideas

Messages are shared with other participants

4. Messages with high support go 'viral'

High-voted messages go viral

5. Respond or nuance messages

Uses “+” to nuance other users' messages

Frequently asked solicit

What makes Synthetron different from an online survey?

In the Synthetron software, all written messages must be reviewed by other participants. The messages are first sent to 4 other participants; if they strongly agree, the message goes' viral 'to other participants in steps.

Because participants review each other's messages, they provide each other with answer options, so you get a much more complete picture than with ordinary open questions in a survey.

Why does it have to be anonymous?

In almost all dialogues, there are things that are not easy to say in a group conversation. Maybe because they're critical, controversial, or just feeling a little bit embarrassing. We know from experience that anonymity improves the truth and depth of dialogue.

Can Synthetron handle multi-language dialogues?

Absolutely! Synthetron is a global platform that supports multi-language dialogue. Currently, our platform is available in the following languages:
- English
- Spanish
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Danish
- Polish
- Italian
- Russian

Is Synthetron suitable for every group size?

We've had discussions with 6 participants, but they work best if you have more. 30 is a good minimum number to aim for, although smaller groups also make sense when discussing sensitive topics.

How does Synthetron ensure data privacy and security?

We do not store any personal information. For our software to work, we generate a unique ID for each user that is completely random, and we store a cookie on your device. This is to ensure that if you lose the connection, you can pick up where you left off.

Is anonymity guaranteed?

All participants receive a random identification code by the system. We don't know who someone is. What we do know is what each code number (a single anonymous participant) did, so we can look for patterns related to segments.


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