Case: engaging stakeholders in IT project roll out

May 21, 2024
 min read

How Synthetron helped engage all stakeholders in an IT project roll out process. To facilitate its implementation.


An multinational oil company needed to launch a major new IT project that required key stakeholders engagement world-wide. They turned to Synthetron to facilitate discussions from pre-launch to post-launch.


A set of systematic online Synthetron discussions of the new plan were held with different stakeholders. A discussion before the launch and multiple discussions during the implementation process.

Before launch a first session was set up with local management to understand what would make them real change agents. Online Synthetron “change readiness”discussions were held in different countries. The purpose was to understand the in going change position in each country.

All sessions were moderated using the same change readiness script. We measured the position change of the participants between the beginning and the end of the discussion. We used the classical change curve, from resistant to very enthusiast, in our analysis.

During the implementation Synthetron sessions were organized to conduct a series of reviews using different stakeholder segments: management, implementation team, and floor.


The client received a concise report one week after every session. This report was based on a content- and mindset analysis. The first round of discussion with local management uncovered that, despite the fact that they all faced the same change and came from the same MO, their in going position was very different.

After they understood this the change team was able to engage everyone as change agents with a specific adapted approach.

The reviews with different stakeholder segments increased engagement of participants and gave the PMO and change team clear insight in issues and levers on how to improve and accelerate the roll out.

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How Synthetron helped engage all stakeholders in an IT project roll out process. To facilitate its implementation.


An multinational oil company needed to launch a major new IT project that required key stakeholders engagement world-wide. They turned to Synthetron to facilitate discussions from pre-launch to post-launch.


A set of systematic online Synthetron discussions of the new plan were held with different stakeholders. A discussion before the launch and multiple discussions during the implementation process.

Before launch a first session was set up with local management to understand what would make them real change agents. Online Synthetron “change readiness”discussions were held in different countries. The purpose was to understand the in going change position in each country.

All sessions were moderated using the same change readiness script. We measured the position change of the participants between the beginning and the end of the discussion. We used the classical change curve, from resistant to very enthusiast, in our analysis.

During the implementation Synthetron sessions were organized to conduct a series of reviews using different stakeholder segments: management, implementation team, and floor.


The client received a concise report one week after every session. This report was based on a content- and mindset analysis. The first round of discussion with local management uncovered that, despite the fact that they all faced the same change and came from the same MO, their in going position was very different.

After they understood this the change team was able to engage everyone as change agents with a specific adapted approach.

The reviews with different stakeholder segments increased engagement of participants and gave the PMO and change team clear insight in issues and levers on how to improve and accelerate the roll out.

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